Boot camp workouts kick your ass—and beat up your body. (One study found that 74 percent of CrossFit participants have reported getting hurt!) So devotees in Los Angeles have been switching to LIT Method, a new studio that offers boot camp classes with one key difference: no running, jumping, or weights. “We’re the anti-CrossFit,” says cofounder Justin Norris. “The intensity is there, but it isn’t hard on your body.” (Local doctors and physical therapists even refer injured patients to the class.) Norris created a routine, here, just for Glamour. Do these moves in order, repeating the entire sequence as many times as you can in 30 minutes, three to four times a week. If you’re eating mostly whole foods, he says, you’ll notice a difference after just a week. Who knew hard-core could feel so humane?
Start with compound exercises. LIT classes begin with moves that work at least two major muscle groups, which are more challenging than those that target just one. The idea, says Norris, is to tire yourself out early, because working muscles to fatigue is key for building strength. Start with three sets of 30 sumo squats—a squat with your feet wider than hip width and your toes slightly turned out. On the thirtieth rep of each set, lower into squat and pulse slowly up and down for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds between sets.
Next, do a quick hit of cardio. Rev your heart rate to increase calorie burn. At LIT they use low-impact rowing machines, but at home you can do 45 seconds of mountain climbers: From a plank pose, bring your right knee in toward your chest, then your left, and repeat, picking up speed as you go. “They’re a better alternative to the burpees a lot of boot camps do, which have a massive impact on your joints,” says Norris.
Now go small. Norris then adds single-muscle-group moves to shape one particular area and balance out your workout. Do three sets of 15 to 20 triceps dips: Sit with your hands on the edge of a bench or chair, fingers facing forward. Scoot your butt past the edge of the chair, and bend your elbows to lower your body (be sure the movement comes from your arms, not your hips). Rest for up to 30 seconds between sets.
Go for more cardio. This time do inchworms, which strengthen every major muscle group: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend over, touching palms to the floor (bend your knees if you need to). Walk hands forward until you’re in a plank pose; hold for five seconds, then walk hands back to toes. Do 15 reps.
Last up: Fix your slouch. “Most of us don’t do anything to improve our posture,” says Norris. Behold this cobra move: Lie on your stomach with arms straight, close to sides, palms facing ceiling. Slowly lift your chest, arms, and legs off the floor so that your body is in a U shape; hold for five seconds, then lower. Do 15 reps.
Finish with stretching! Doing a little bit at the end of your workout is how you reduce the risk of injury, Norris says. Lie on your right side for a quad stretch: Bend left knee, grab left foot, and pull it toward your butt. Hold 30 seconds, switch sides, and repeat. Flip over and lie on your back; extend right leg and pull toward chest to stretch your hamstrings. Hold 30 seconds, switch sides, and repeat.
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