The Internet Reacts to Yeezy Season 4


Walking headline generator Kanye West presented his Yeezy Season 4 on New York's Randall's Island this afternoon and, as expected, it did not go down quietly. As models stood in a grassy field and walked the runway in the neutral palette Kanye has made his signature, Twitter—watching from home on the live stream—nearly erupted, with everything from surprise to disappointment, praise, and many hot takes—literally, if you take into account the many reactions to the brutal 86 degrees the models were made to withstand (one even fainted a couple of times). Take a look below at the spectrum of reactions to Kanye's latest foray for Adidas, as you wait for the official video footage of the show to drop on YouTube.

The Internet Reacts to Yeezy Season 4 Reviewed by Unknown on 9/07/2016 Rating: 5

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