
Donald Trump's Response to the Women Accusing Him of Sexual Assault is Wildly Inappropriate

In the hours after two more women came forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault, the Republican presidential nominee fired back Friday night by intimating that his accusers are too unattractive to draw his interest—a defense yet again built upon attacking the integrity and physical appearance of women.

At his evening rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, Trump disparaged his accusers as "horrible," "sick," and "phony," and all but said at least two of them aren't attractive enough to merit his allegedly predatory attentions—a comment he bizarrely uses as a defense against their claims.

"Yeah, I’m gonna go after her," Trump said sarcastically of Jessica Leeds, the woman who told The New York Times on Wednesday that Trump groped her on an airplane. "Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you. You don’t know."

He also dismissed the allegations of Natasha Stoynoff, a former People reporter formerly on the Trump beat who says he forcibly kissed her during an interview. After calling her a liar, he said, "Check out her Facebook, you’ll understand."

(Note: If you can't keep up with how many sexual assaults Trump stands accused of, check out this comprehensive list of the allegations against him.)

But Trump didn't stop there. At his rally, he also put down Hillary Clinton's appearance at Sunday’s presidential debate, saying, "when she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn’t impressed."

Earlier Friday, even more lewd remarks about women surfaced in the form of new clips from a 2004 recording from "The Howard Stern Show," in which Trump and Stern talk about what it might be like to have sex with then-teenage actress Lindsay Lohan.

"Can you imagine the sex with this troubled [woman]?" Stern asks in the recording.

"You’re probably right," Trump responds. "She’s probably deeply troubled, and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women—you know, deeply, deeply troubled—they’re always the best in bed?"

And in a separate incidence that emerged Friday, several employees of Trump's reality TV show Celebrity Apprentice came forward to say that Trump body-shamed Khloe Kardashian before dismissing her from the program in 2009.

"He basically wanted to just get rid of her," an editor of the show told the Huffington Post. "He called her a 'piglet.'" Another editor said, that when they fired her, "it was on him not liking her"—not merit.

None of these comments are in any way an acceptable way to talk about women. They're predatory and misogynistic—and they fall in line with his unacceptable pattern that seems to define a woman's worth as a human solely by her physical attractiveness.

The next presidential debate is Wednesday, when Trump's treatment of women is expected to take the foreground.

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Source: http://www.glamour.com/story/donald-trumps-response-to-sexual-assault-claims
Donald Trump's Response to the Women Accusing Him of Sexual Assault is Wildly Inappropriate Donald Trump's Response to the Women Accusing Him of Sexual Assault is Wildly Inappropriate Reviewed by Unknown on 10/15/2016 Rating: 5

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