
Glamour's Jessica Radloff Guest Stars on Pitch With Kylie Bunbury and Mark-Paul Gosselaar—Here's What Happened

Growing up in St. Louis, baseball is like a religion. It's as synonymous as high school football is to Texas, as the movie industry is to Los Angeles, as...well, you get the point. Before I was even born, my parents went to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game, and on the scorecard my mom wrote, "Baby's first game." So yeah, I've been a baseball fan since I was in the womb.

By the age of five, I could name every player on the Cardinals roster. And when I was eight, I played softball at the local JCCA; I was a pitcher (though, admittedly, not a very good one) and the only girl on the team. But it didn't bother me. In fact, I kind of relished it. Knowing and loving so much about baseball made me feel powerful, and I wanted to prove to the guys that girls could do anything too, a motto I've carried with me my entire life.

My first internship during my freshman year of college was in the sports department at the NBC affiliate in St. Louis, and being in the Cardinals clubhouse on game days was more exciting to me than going to the mall or seeing the Backstreet Boys in concert. Years later, I also had my own column in the official Major League Baseball Game Day magazine for the Cardinals. Interviewing the players and the famous fans that loved them (Jon Hamm, Ellie Kemper, Andy Cohen, to name drop a few) didn't feel like work because it was my favorite hobby come to life.

Of course, it wasn't always a joyride. Being that close to a team, I also dealt with sexism. I remember being in a clubhouse once to interview a player when the team's all-star pitcher demanded I turn my chair so I wouldn't see him get undressed. Of course, everyone deserves their privacy—but he wasn't worried about the other guys seeing him undress, and I wasn't there for him anyway. If another player would come over to say hello and give me a hug, then there were rumblings that I had to be sleeping with him. I could do a whole piece about how wrong all of this was, but the point is this: The minute I saw the pilot for FOX's new drama, Pitch—which is set in the world of baseball from a female perspective—it got me, and it got it right. I was all in.

And then, while I was at an event for NBC's This Is Us, I was introduced to creators and executive producers, Dan Fogelman and Jess Rosenthal, who also produce Pitch. While I love This Is Us, the next 30 minutes turned into a gush-fest about how much I loved Pitch and how important and timely the message was. I didn't expect anything in return; I just wanted both to know they got it right. Sure, Pitch is centered in the world of baseball, but it's more than strikeouts and home-runs. It's about shattering that glass ceiling, which, let's face it, we all know something about.

But near the end of our conversation, Dan casually said to me, "You should come on the show. We love to cast authentic people." (Spoiler alert: There was nothing casual about my reaction.) Honestly, I thought he was kidding—or trying to butter me up to continue to write nice things about his show. But no, Dan and Jess said they'd get my contact information and make it happen. Uh, OK, sure.

A few weeks went by, and I ran into them at a Fox TCA party. They assured me they hadn't forgotten about their promise and were waiting to find the right role for me. Again, sounds nice, but I've been in this town long enough to never to believe anything until it happens.

And then it did.

A week later, I received an email from the head of casting asking for my availability the third week of August. They had a role for me—and based on my hosting videos for Glamour, they believed I could pull it off. I assumed the part would include playing a reporter in the clubhouse or an usher at the baseball stadium. I thought if they gave me a line at all, it would be something short and sweet, like, "How'd you think you did out there on the mound, Ginny?" or "Sir, you can't talk on your phone in these seats." When they sent over the script, there were only two roles that had one line each, so I assumed one must be mine.

But they weren't. This particular episode (which airs tonight) introduces viewers to the head of PR for Major League Baseball. She's on a mission to get Ginny Baker (Kylie Bunbury) in the upcoming All-Star Game, and she goes straight to the Commissioner to plead Ginny's case. She also has eight lines—pretty much a monologue—and does so in a boardroom in front of 30 MLB executives. And that role? That was mine.

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

I started to tear up. Not only was I going to be appearing on a show that spoke to me so much, but here were two guys who, out of the kindness of their hearts, stayed true to their word. Over the course of the next few days, I studied my lines like I was about to participate in a Presidential debate. It wasn't just about memorizing them, but also how I said them, the way I said them, and where (Sitting down? Standing up?) I would say them. Let me tell you, being an actor is not as easy as it looks.

When the day came to film my scene, it was truly beyond anything I could have imagined. Here's how it all went down:


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

While I was in the makeup trailer, Mark-Paul Gosselaar walked in, having just wrapped his scenes. We've met before—and once he found out I was coming on the show, he could not have been more excited. He also gave the best piece of advice: "You realize this could be a recurring role?! Don't f--k it up," he joked. "And come back and play with us after today!"


PHOTO: Mark-Paul Gosselaar

When I say that I have to stay in to wash my hair on a Saturday night, this is why. Actually, this is what dry shampoo will do when you spray almost an entire can on it. Thanks, Darrell Redleaf!


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

Hot damn, is this a glamorous dressing room or what? Actually, it was the smallest trailer I've ever seen, thanks to our location constraints. Didn't matter; I was so excited, I would have gotten ready on a street corner.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

The show mainly films on the Paramount lot in Hollywood, but on this day we were at FOX Studios to use the FOX Broadcasting executive boardroom. The set designers transformed the entire floor into MLB headquarters since the scene takes place in New York City with the head of PR (me) and the commissioner.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

OK, how are there all these mannequins in baseball uniforms and none of them is a Cardinals player? I cry foul.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

Ah, St. Louis represented! Much better.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

About 30 extras were called in to be MLB employees in our scene. Originally, I thought I'd be sitting among them and giving my lines either sitting down or standing up. Um, no. Instead, the episode's director—the incredible, Emmy-winning Regina King!—thought it would be more authentic to have me stand up in front of the room in presentation mode and then walk and talk as I give my speech.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

It's getting real! Was I nervous? Absolutely, but mainly because I didn't want Jess and Dan (or creator Rick Singer) to regret hiring me. In the end, I only skipped over one word once. I just kept reminding myself to have confidence, confidence, confidence.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

Hanging with the fabulous Regina King after my scene, which took about three hours to film. Being directed by this extraordinary actress and director was a total career highlight. She's incredible behind the camera, and, of course, in front of it.


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

About eight hours after I arrived on set, it was time to say goodbye. Naturally, I brought my St. Louis Cardinals sweatshirt with me for good luck. And guess what, Mark-Paul Gosselaar? I didn't f-ck up! (His response: "I know you wouldn't!")


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

By the way, in case you're wondering if I ever got a trophy during my Little League days, I sure did. And they made it specially for me. As an a eight-year-old, I remember screaming to my parents, "Mom! Dad! She has a ponytail!"


PHOTO: Jessica Radloff

My episode of Pitch airs tonight on FOX at 9 P.M. ET. From what I hear, I'm in the very first scene, so don't miss it. Special thanks to Dan Fogelman, Jess Rosenthal, Rick Singer, Regina King, Jen Weinberg, and everyone on the cast and crew for making my day so memorable and special. You guys are the real all-stars.

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Source: http://www.glamour.com/story/jessica-radloff-guest-star-on-pitch-kylie-bunbury-mark-paul-gosselaar
Glamour's Jessica Radloff Guest Stars on Pitch With Kylie Bunbury and Mark-Paul Gosselaar—Here's What Happened Glamour's Jessica Radloff Guest Stars on Pitch With Kylie Bunbury and Mark-Paul Gosselaar—Here's What Happened Reviewed by Unknown on 10/13/2016 Rating: 5

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